Property Name Change Procedure

Mahavir Phoenix Solar Project Tender

Tender Notice

Mahavir Phoenix Building CHS Ltd. is inviting quotations from qualified contractors for Residential Rooftop Grid Tied Solar Project of 80-90kw.
You may collect the tender forms by paying Rs 1000/- (non-refundable), from the 10th of Dec, 2020, from the society office.
Please submit a hard copy of your bids in a sealed envelope before 6.0pm, 26th Dec 2020. addressed to “The Secretary, Mahavir Phoneix CHS Ltd.”, LBS Marg, Bhandup West, Mumbai 78”
Ph: 97024.04258

Place: Mumbai Date: 9.12.2020
Sd/- : Chairman/Secretary/Treasurer


pxchs solar tender